
Wann gilt man heute als alt?
(When are you considered old today?)
Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly, 03/2023
“Life expectancy has increased by almost 40 years in the last 150 years,” says Staudinger.

Kein Ende in Sicht
(No end in sight)
brandeins, 24 February 2023
“In terms of functional health, today’s 70-year-olds are roughly on a par with 60-year-olds of the previous generation,” says Staudinger.

Liebe im Alter
(Love in old age)
Stern, 11 November 2022
You tend to make fewer compromises and you become more honest with each other and yourself, says Staudinger.

Menschenkette in Dresden sendet Friedensbotschaft in die Welt
(Human chain in Dresden sends message of peace to the world)
MDR Sachsen, 13 February 2022

Dresdner Gedenken 2022 mit Präsenz und realer Menschenkette
(Dresden commemoration 2022 with presence and real human chain)
Die ZEIT, 2 February 2022
“Against social divisions and hardened fronts on streets and squares,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Affordable healthcare, job security and economy on the minds of older adults in S’pore
The Straits Times, 30 November 2021
“As soon as adults unlearn learning, it will be extremely hard to get them back into a learning mode,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Talking About… How Universities Shape Social Change
RWTH Aachen University, 29 October 2021
“We are in a very lively exchange with the city community,“ says Ursula Staudinger.

Gegenproteste zum Pegida-Jubiläum in Dresden
(Counter-protests against Pegida anniversary)
Süddeutsche Zeitung, 17 October 2021
“In our university, we live togetherness that is supported by respect for dissenters, people who live and look differently,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Rektorin und Stadtoberhaupt: Demos für Weltoffenheit
(Rector and head of the city: demonstrations for open-mindedness)
welt Sachsen, 14 October 2021
“In science, we are looking for the new and see great potential in it – not only in research, but also in cooperation with people worldwide,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Dresdner Schau zur Kochkunst und Tafelkultur
(Dresden Exhibition on Culinary Art and Table Culture)
Die ZEIT, 6 October 2021
Rector Ursula Staudinger referred to the tradition of culinary art and table culture in Dresden, which date back to the 16th century.

Katharina Spieß leitet das Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung
(Katharina Spieß leads Federal Institute for Population Research)
epd, 1 October 2021
“With Katharina Spieß, one of Germany’s leading economists is taking over the lead of the Federal Institute for Population Research,” sagt Ursula Staudinger.

Plötzlich bist du unwichtig
(Suddenly you are unimportant)
WirtschaftsWoche, 10 September 2021
“Many are looking forward to retirement, because they can get rid of the tight constraints,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Warum wir immer schlauer werden – auch im Alter
(Why we are getting smarter and smarter – even in older age)
7 Jahre länger Magazin, 23 August 2021
“I think that we are not yet optimally prepared for the fact that we are living longer and longer,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Nimble and efficient
ZEIT Germany, 19 July 2021
“I’m a European with a global reach,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Presenting the Past
ZEIT Germany, 19 July 2021
“We want to be very aware of our role in society. To do this, we need facts,” says Ursula Staudinger.

In den Himmel möchte man nicht wachsen
(“You don’t want to grow into the sky”)
Stuttgarter Zeitung, 10/11 July 2021
“Aging is influenced by several factors: biology, contextual experiences and also our life choices,” says Staudinger.

Was geht, Alter?
(What’s up, grandpa?)
Focus, 5 June 2021
“A certain amount of demands, stimulation and also stress keep us alive and flexible,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Die Midlife-Crisis ist ein Mythos
(The midlife crisis is a myth)
Der Tagesspiegel, 4 July 2021
“Unfortunately, getting older is not enough to become wise,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Fit mit 100
(Fit at age 100)
Stern, 16 May 2021
“It is extremely difficult for humans to remain healthy without having a sense of purpose and responsibility,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Für immer jung?
(Forever young?)
Stern GESUND LEBEN 3/2021
“We have to challenge our brain time and again, not just use it,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Besser leben in den mittleren Jahren
(Live better in the middle years)
Der Tagesspiegel, 16 April 2021
“People who have to cope with many complex tasks in everyday life remain mentally very productive up to their sixties”, sagt Ursula Staudinger.

topcast #12: Prof. Ursula M. Staudinger
Top Magazin Dresden/Ostsachsen, 8 April 2021
“We want to make lifelong studying attractive,” says Ursula Staudinger.

60, männlich, westdeutsch – immer noch
(60, male, West German – still), 3 March 2021
“If you run a monoculture, productivity decreases”, sagt Ursula Staudinger.

75 Zukunftsorte der Wissenschaft
(75 Future Places of Science)
Die ZEIT, 25 February 2021
“Regardless of the level of education, the way the work is organized decides whether mental performance wears out or whether it remains in old age, “says Ursula Staudinger.

TU Dresden erforscht ihre Geschichte in der Nazi-Zeit
(TU Dresden researches its history in the Nazi era)
Süddeutsche Zeitung, 23  February 2021
It is about the Nazi era, which has not yet been carefully considered, says Rector Ursula Staudinger.

TU Dresden erforscht ihre Geschichte in der Nazi-Zeit
(TU Dresden researches its history in the Nazi era)
Die ZEIT, 23 February 2021

TU Dresden erforscht ihre Geschichte in der Nazi-Zeit
(TU Dresden researches its history in the Nazi era)
MDR Sachsen, 23 February 2021

Generation Gelassenheit
(Generation Serenity)
Der Tagesspiegel, 11 February 2021
“From a biological point of view, the age cohorts over 80 are of course particularly vulnerable. But at the same time they can be particularly strong psychologically and socially,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Wissenschaftler fordern: Altern in Deutschland besser erforschen!
(Scientists demand: Research ageing in Germany better!)
mdr Wissen, 20 December 2020
“We have to shape the 40 years gained with a view to quality of life, productivity and innovation,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Leopoldina empfiehlt Neuausrichtung der Alterns- und Lebenslaufforschung in Deutschland
(Leopoldina recommends realigning aging and life course research in Germany)

Ärzteblatt, 16 December 2020
“Interdisciplinarity needs long funding periods,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Landtag beschließt Verbesserungen für Schulen und Kitas
(State parliament decides on improvements for school and daycare centers)
Die ZEIT, 16 December 2020
“This gives the students the security they need to be able to successfully complete their studies despite the effects of the corona pandemic,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Landtag beschließt Verbesserungen für Schulen und Kitas
(State parliament decides on improvements for school and daycare centers)

welt, 16 December 2020

Landtag beschließt Verbesserungen für Schulen und Kitas
(State parliament decides on improvements for school and daycare centers)
ntv Sachsen, 16 December 2020

“Man braucht im Alter Struktur und Anerkennung”
(You need structure and recognition in old age)
Goethe Institut Russland, 9 November 2020
“Aging is by no means just a question of work; there are many paths to successful aging,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Alternsforscherin erklärt, warum wir immer jünger werden
(Aging researcher explains why we are getting younger and younger)
KURIER, 18 October 2020
“Our life did not get longer by chance, but because we took care that we can age healthier,” says Ursula Staudinger.

In Ruhe für den Ruhestand planen
(Plan for retirement in peace)
Ruhr Nachrichten, 25 September 2020
“It can’t get too much, then we get sick. But if we have too little, it is also unhealthy,” says Ursula Staudinger

5 Tipps: So planen Sie in Ruhe den Ruhestand
(5 tips: how to plan for retirement in peace)
Deutsche Handwerks Zeitung, 25 September 2020
“Planning ahead is highly recommended,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Altersforscherin Staudinger neue Rektorin der TU Dresden
(Aging researcher Staudinger new Rector of TU Dresden)
Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, 21 September 2020

Die neue Rektorin der TU Dresden Prof. U. Staudinger vor der Investitur
(TU Dresden’s new rector before her investiture)
MDR KULTUR am Morgen, 21 September 2020

“Das Feuer an vielen Enden entfachen”
(“Ignite a fire at many ends”), 17 September 2020
“The great leaps in science occur at the borders and transitions,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Kolumne: Modell für öffentliches Miteinander
(Column: A model for public togetherness)
Berliner-Zeitung, 28 August 2020
Who, if not higher education institutions, can successfully bring together people with different biographies and mother tongues?

Amtsantritt der neuen Rektorin der TU Dresden
(New rector of TU Dresden takes up office)
MDR KULTUR am Morgen, 18 August 2020

Neue Rektorin will TU Dresden zur globalen Universtität entwickeln
(New rector wants to develop TU Dresden into a global university)
MDR, 17 August 2020
“Our university will become more attractive for national and international students of a broad age spectrum,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Rektorin will TU Dresden zur globalen Universität entwickeln
(Rector wants to develop TU Dresden into a global university)
welt, 17 August 2020
“Our university will become more attractive for national and international students of a broad age spectrum,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Rektorin will TU Dresden zur globalen Universität entwickeln
(Rector wants to develop TU Dresden into a global university)
ntv, 17 August 2020
“It will continue to be important that the TU and its members take a stand for tolerance and openness to the world at large,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Eine globale Universität des 21. Jahrhunderts: Das ist die neue Rektorin der TU Dresden
(A global university of the 21st century: This is the new rector of TU Dresden)
Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, 17 August

Neue Rektorin der TU Dresden stellt sich vor
(New rector of TU Dresden introduces herself)
MDR Sachsen – Das Sachsenradio, 17. August 2020

TU Dresden wird weiblich
(TU Dresden become female)
Sachsen Fernsehen, 17 August 2020

“Wir sind sexuelle Wesen, bis zum Ende des Leben”
(“We are sexual beings until the end of our lives”)
Süddeutsche Zeitung, 14  August 2020
“Love and partnership are basic needs that characterize us as humans over the entire lifespan,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Prof. Ursula M. Staudinger zur neuen Rektorin der TU Dresden bestellt
(Professor Ursula M. Staudinger appointed new rector of TU Dresden)
Leipziger Internet Zeitung, 9 July 2020
With Prof. Staudinger, an internationally networked and highly competent scientist with a broad spectrum of experience takes over the leadership of the TU Dresden, ” says Science Minister Sebastian Gemkow.

Die Gründerin
(The Founder)
Psychologie heute, 3 April 2020
“I can know a lot about life, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I have my life under control,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Das neue Ich, das in uns schlummert
(The new me slumbering inside of us)
GEO, 04/2020
“The older we get, the more we use our resources,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Die Säulen des Lebens
(The pillars of life)
ZEIT Doctor Nr.13/2020
“Today we know that the personality continues to develop beyond the age of 30,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Ursula M. Staudinger zur Rektorin der TU Dresden gewählt
(Ursula M. Staudinger elected new Rector of TU Dresden)
Leopoldina – Mitglied im Fokus, 19 March 2020

Ursula Staudinger wird neue Rektorin der TU Dresden
(Ursula Staudinger will be new Rector of TU Dresden)
mdr Sachsen, 17 March 2020
I would also like to develop TU Dresden into a global university for the 21st century,” says Ursula Staudinger.

Forscherin Staudinger wird neue Rektorin der TU Dresden
(Researcher Staudinger will be new Rector of TU Dresden)
welt, 17 March 2020

Neue Rektorin der TU Dresden gewählt
(New Rector of TU Dresden elected)
Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, 17 March 2020

Sachsen: Forscherin Staudinger wird neue Rektorin der TU Dresden
(Researcher Staudinger will be new Rector of TU Dresden)
ntv, 17 March 2020

Professorin Ursula M. Staudinger wird neue Rektorin an der TU Dresden
(Professor Ursula M. Staudinger will be new Rector of TU Dresden)
Leipziger Internet Zeitung, 17 March 2020

Führungswechsel an der TU Dresden
(Change of leadership at TU Dresden)
Sachsen Fernsehen, 11 March 2020

TU Dresden: Zwei Frauen und ein Mann zur Rektorwahl
(TU Dresden: Two woman and one man for Rector Election)
Süddeutsche Zeitung, 10 March 2020

Alt und weise werden – Ein Interview mit Prof. Dr. Ursula Staudinger
(Becoming old and wise – An Interview with Prof. Dr. Ursula Staudinger)
DOMRADIO Der Tag, 20  September 2019
“It’s challenging to question oneself.”

Arbeiten im Alter – Nochmal etwas Neues ausprobieren
(Working in older age – trying out something new)
Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 29  March 2019
“We need a complete new focus as well as financing models for life-long learning.”

Später in Rente: Als “Silver Worker” in Unruhestand
(Later retirement: “Silver workers” are retired but not tired)
Welt Online, 11 March 2019
“Shaping the years we’ve gained should start long before we turn 65.”

Warum Firmen ältere Arbeitnehmer hofieren sollten
(Why companies should pay court to older employees)
RP Online, 9 February 2019
“If we succeed in keeping people healthy and mentally fit in their second-half of life, they have the big advantage of relying on a rich experience.”

Für immer Feierabend
(End of work for good)
Münchner Merkur, 5 February 2019
“A progressive transition into retirement would be ideal,” says Ursula Staudinger.

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Demographic change brings about new opportunities and challenges. How can an aging population remain productive? What does lifelong learning mean? And how can we successfully shape our lives in middle and old age? Demographic expert Ursula M. Staudinger is keen to answer media inquiries and to explain the findings of her aging research.