On 7 February 2018, North Rhine-Westfalia’s Science Minister Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen appointed Ursula Staudinger, Klaus Engel and Beate Konze-Thomas new members of the University Council of Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB). The three new members now complete the board, which largely determines the fate of the university. “An amicable and critical support of the university is important. This is also a great opportunity for the university. If that is done successfully, you will be good ambassadors for the university,” said Pfeiffer-Poensgen in her address and presented certificates to all seven Members of the University Council.

The Council Members, who are appointed for five years, have far-reaching powers: They play a direct strategic role in determining the future development of the university and are responsible for supervising the operative business carried out by the university management. Dr Ricarda Brandts, Dr Klaus Engel, Birgit Fischer, Thomas Jorberg, Dr Beate Konze-Thomas, Prof. Dr Ursula Marie Staudinger and Prof. Dr Hildegard Westphal make up the new University Council of the RUB.